Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Dollhouses and Boys

Today, I have decided to bring up the subject  about  "Boys & Dollhouses"

I am not sure who will be reading this post...(as I always say... it always intrigues me who actually reads my blog posts), but I think it is always has been a big issue especially for men to accept that their son plays with a dollhouse.

How do you feel about this personally?

As a young child, I was the eldest in the family, with a sister as a second child...We did not have any boys toys around our house....and on the odd occasion that I went out with mum and looked at some of the shop windows.....many a times I would have asked her to buy me  a car.....and I remember quite clearly ...mum.. saying you do not play with cars?
  • How do you feel if your son asks to have a dollhouse as a gift.
  • How does your husband or you as a father feel. Does this annoy you?
  • Does it make you feel uncomfortable perhaps talking to your mates about this subject? 
  • Do you think less of your son if he shows  the desire to play with a dollhouse?
I think we all play house one way or another ...it is part of or life... the majority of us live in a house after all...so what is wrong  for a child...boys or girls to play "pretend role play" with a dollhouse.

Wooden Mini 2 Level Doll House

Wooden 3 Level Red Doll House-Play Centre

Through role play skills such as language, social and physical skills are developed. It also stimulates children's imagination.


Smilie girl said...

One of the main reasons for following your blog was the dollhouses and puppets. I have two boys and they play with my old dollhouse. They play with it very differently to how I played with it, but that's not a bad thing.

The barefoot lifting witch said...

I love to follow your blog and I LOVE LOVE LOVE your work. I am going to buy one of your awesome doll houses as soon as I save up - and both my daughters and my son will enjoy playing with it.
At the end of the day does it really matter? You can't catch "the gay" from a doll's house ;-)

Catherine said...

My boys always love to play with dollhouses when we visit people who have one.
I've never wanted to invest in one because I think they will be unlikely to get the long-term play to justify the investment. It is likely that once they start to get the feeling about boys toys and girls toys from society they will abandon a dollhouse.

Romantic Flair Original said...

Thank you guys for your input...

It is great to offer diversity of pretend play for boys and girls....they are learning everyday from all different activities...and we need to let them experience every aspect of life as much as we can.

Smilie Girl..thank you..yes I imagine they would but they still would be expressing themselves and learn different experiences.

Romina..thank you...you are every so kind...always a pleasure to have you here

CaWat..thank you for stopping by...I would say on average...they would probably enjoy it for about 4 years...like any other activity kids need to be challenged...and I always suggest to offer different activities to kids all the time perhaps put some toys away for a while and bring out others...they seem to more enjoy them when they have not seen them for a while.

Faemum said...

NOW i see this article :P My boy has inherited a bright pink wooden
homemade barbie scale house and moved in a "barbie" family . I would
like to replace some of the pink plastic furniture one day though
(yuck). I love the fire station houses
as most little boys love any emergency and vehicle play too.Castles are
another option for boys . If a dollhouse is plain enough they will role
play in different ways as they grow and with different "character" dolls
. My daycare boys kept an old dollhouse outside to drive cars into and
attack with large toy dinosaurs :) Now the daycare girls have stolen it
and covered it in glitter and hot glued flowers , butterflies and
toadstools (made from hot glue and gumnuts). 4 years ago ,this was an old broken house that someone was
going to throw away . so it was played with until broken and then found
much new life for the last 4 years with many children. A dollhouse for a boy (or a girl)is a
good investment.  The children i mostly work with are age 4-8, the older age group want to get hold of our faerie house and make furnishings for it now  too. My mother has a 1:12 scale grown up dollhouse and so does my 10yr old girl , we have met many grown men who make "Models" and "miniatures" as a continuing adult hobby.

Marthese said...

Thank you @7614b0578e4ecc28992d3871f99a2786 .....that is ....... food for thought:)

Nathalie said...

I wrote a post a while back about boys and toys, doll houses have a mention near the end http://easypeasykids.com.au/wpblog/2011/05/24/my-son-plays-with-dolls-will-it-make-him-soft-or-gay/.
Boys and girls are playing and learning their life skills, this is what children are meant to do.

Marthese said...

Thank you @18463e5c93b79139eae008839524566a:disqus ...I will head over to your post and have a read:)


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