Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Primary Colors ~~ Red, Blue,Green, Yellow

What are Primary Colors......


these are sets of colors that can be combined to make a useful range of color.

Here are some mediums to present to your children as a learning experience in familiarizing  themselves  with the above colors.....

A great way of introducing the to pick a color for the week let say yellow and do various activities, for example pick the Yellow Camel and relate a story about the Yellow Camel...


Then pick all the yellow links from this set...make a yellow activity by linking all the yellow links together emphasizing the  Color Yellow.
This activity you can choose all the different shapes in yellow and ask them to design something with it...

Once you have gone through all the colors then you can perhaps work on 2 colors at a time and step up by asking them to give a particular color from the 2 you are working with...and keep introducing more colors until you have the 4 together.

Now the fun will can have various activities..
  • sorting different colors into sections or to be placed in different containers
  • link one color after the other make a chain in a sequence..learning patterns
  • count different shapes and items of the same color
  • lace all the same color
  • I am sure you will come up with quite a few different ideas...
Perhaps you can help me with other different ideas..........................


Kelly said...

You've shown some great products here! And great ways to use them.

Romantic Flair Original said...

Thanks Kelly...always appreciate your not forget to enter the comp that I have on my blog...
Cheers & good Luck xxx

Christie - Childhood 101 said...

I used links all the time with preschool and early school aged children, they are such a fantastic learning resource.


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